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Exec Board Defines ASCMC Roles and Discusses Upcoming Parties, April 8 & 15

Sofia Trigo

ASCMC Executive Board debriefed TNC and Saturday night’s ‘Daisy Dukes’ party, discussed Pirate Party expectations and provided an update regarding the Bubble construction on Sunday, April 15 in Kravis 321. ASCMC President Elliot Behling ‘19 was absent, so Executive Vice President Maya Love ‘20 ran the meeting. The group confirmed that both TNC and ‘Daisy Dukes,’ the party ASCMC sponsored at the Senior Apartments on Saturday, were successful events. Vice President of Student Affairs, Grace Wang ‘21 was pleased to see the event run smoothly in terms of set up and shut down. She added that it was different from the typical CMC party, and praised the artists who performed for bringing their own equipment. The only issue brought forth was that an individual attempted to paint directly on the Claremont Hall walls-the suspected student will be charged with cleaning fees accordingly.

Senior Class President Edgar Warnholtz ‘19 added that ‘Daisy Dukes’ was an extremely successful event as it saw a large turnout. He mentioned that a new ‘shut down’ tactic was employed that worked effectively. Instead of immediately shutting off the music and asking students to leave, the volume was lowered gradually and students trickled out on their own.

The Board agreed that Pirate Party will require all hands on deck to ensure its success. In order to minimize crowding, a plan is in place to distribute the wristbands to each individual school on certain days of the week. However, CMC students will be able to pick up wristbands five days ahead of the event. Although the budget is tight for Pirate Party, the funding provided by the other five colleges was more than doubled from last year. RA Liaison Patrick Elliott ‘19 reminded the group that water and signage were key to a successful Pirate Party.

Lastly, Love gave Connor Bloom ‘19 the go-ahead for the Bubble Open House event from 9:00-10:30pm on Friday, April 20. The event is meant to showcase art from around campus and legitimize ASCMC’s role as student government amid Alumni Weekend.

Tensions rose towards the end of the meeting over salary and role parameters. Some members were concerned about working overtime and pay not reflecting such, while others argued that ASCMC unfairly asks students to expand their job description and work roles that were not necessarily presented upfront.

Catch up with last week's Exec Board:

ASCMC’s Executive Board met on April 8 after a two day ASCMC retreat to discuss personal projects for board members such as reorganization and increased financial transparency as well as new Diversity and Inclusion committee applications. The Board also shifted its focus toward securing funding for Pirate Party from all 5C's.


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