Where Do Your Student Fees Go?
September 28, 2008
by The Forum
The ASCMC Budget Committee met last Friday afternoon to go over retained earnings from last year and make final allocations. The budget for this year is summarized in this PDF file.
The fine print:
The numbers listed are final allocations as of today, but the budget committee may meet to change allocations later this year.
Income is not listed, but the primary source of income is student fees. Peripheral sources of income include yearbook sales, ticket sales for events, t-shirt sales, Amazon.com textbook commissions, etc.
Many of the allocations (such as Senate, dorm budgets per person, etc.) are constitutionally mandated. For more information, see the ASCMC constitution.
The "band fund" is reserved for a case in which ASCMC is able to bring a big performer to campus later this year. If it isn't used, the balance will be allocated to other ASCMC activities.
ASCMC has never and will never use revenues from student fees to pay for alcohol. It's prohibited in our constitution and against the law.
Club budget requests can be found here. The budget committee allocated funds according to club budget requests, presentations, number of active members, past performance, and other related considerations. If you have questions, please contact me.
Last week College Republicans received a $500 donation from an alumnus in addition to the $90 listed.
If something seems ridiculous, ask someone or post a comment here. There's probably a good explanation for it.