Sprinklers Happen
November 8, 2008
by Katherine Wernet
One of my favorite things about CMC is the irrigation system. Though many complain of its wasteful nature, I cannot help but think of it as an integral part of the college experience. Just as sprinklers are essential to the life of many a grass blade, they are essential to life at Claremont McKenna.
The sprinklers are truly a water feature. Walking to class amidst them, one is reminded not of one’s scholarly pursuit, but of the blowholes of whales. I stroll past Parents Field and imagine an entire family of porpoises migrating. Such a sight is welcoming, I think, as students at Claremont rarely have time to go the beach. The fountains fail to conjure images of marine life for me at all.
It is not all about looks, though. Make no mistake; the sprinklers are an unstoppable force not to be reckoned with. No TNC is too great as to stop the delivery of precious water to the thirsty lawn. The drunkest of us may not even notice the sudden blast of cool water. The Toga Party presents a particularly cruel situation, as all that fabric absorbs water with surprising efficiency. We must quickly learn to sacrifice the end of the occasional party to have a greener future.
Sprinklers are what separate our campus from some neighboring campuses. While others opt to live in a terrarium, we at CMC would prefer to ignore the fact that we live in a desert. We close our eyes at night, falling asleep to the constant sound of projectile water.
Photo credit: www.southernlawns.com